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It’s Never too Late to Ventilate your Home!

It’s Never too Late to Ventilate your Home!

It’s Never too Late to Ventilate your Home!

Most of us are aware of outdoor air pollution and its harmful effects, but we are not as aware of the issues surrounding poor indoor air quality (IAQ).

Poor Air Quality

Ventilating your property is important so that the air inside is healthy. The danger with polluted air both inside and outside, is that often we cannot see the harmful pollutants in the air. Unlike drinking a glass of water, if it was not clear we wouldn’t drink it, but if we cannot see if air is polluted then we do not know that it is. We can choose not to drink a class of water, but since we cannot see the pollutants in the air, we unknowingly breathe these in.

Without proper ventilation we are breathing in toxic polluted air, not just from outside but also from within our homes and workplaces, and the worst part is we don’t even notice it. Occasionally, we can see outdoor air pollutant in the form of smog and darker air, but with indoor air it is always unseen.

In UNICEF’s latest campaign Keeping children safe from polluted air tells us that:

Across 86% of the UK, children are breathing in harmful levels of toxic air. Toxic air can harm their lungs, damage the development of their brains and stunt their growth. And it could leave them with lasting problems like asthma, badly affecting their futures.’



UNICEFs message is to care for every child in danger, whether it be concerning children’s rights, schooling and lots more, but in this case, we are focusing on pollution and toxic air. This campaign perfectly outlines how the irony of toxic air is that children produce the least amount pollution but are the most vulnerable to the effect of pollution and poor indoor air quality.

Check Air Pollution in Your Area

Some areas across the UK and Ireland are much more polluted than others, for example, bigger cities such as London and Dublin will be more polluted than smaller town areas.

Check out this article on BBC – if you live within Great Britain you can check how polluted your street is with your postcode!

- BBC Pollution Postcode Checker (Earthsense)

You can also see the worlds air pollution index in real time here

Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution

We come indoors to step away from the fumes and poor outdoor air quality, but it isn’t very helpful if our indoor air is also polluted.

We can take many measures in reducing outdoor air pollution by walking and cycling more and maybe changing your route to avoid higher polluted areas. There are also many ways we can take to start improving indoor air quality by installing ventilation systems and reducing our toxics via cleaning products.

Indoor air quality can be up to 10 times worse than outdoor air quality. One of the most harmful pollutants is particulate matter (PM) which is microscopic particles of dirt and dust, and gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide. Two of the most common sizes of PM particles are PM10 and PM2.5. PM particles are so small that they cannot be seen. The smaller the particles, the more harmful they can be as they can reach further within your lungs and even into our blood streams. If these particles enter your home and your home is not ventilated properly, it can be detrimental to your health.

More houses are becoming airtight which means that air cannot escape through natural forms of ventilation such as trickle vents and gaps, meaning the need for a mechanical ventilation system is much higher.

Ventilation in Your Home

By properly ventilating your home you will ensure that the air inside your home is always clean and fresh. Installing a ventilation system is a permanent solution in improving your indoor air quality. By choosing to install a mechanical ventilation system, you are future proofing your home from problems such as mould, damp and condensation.

Heat recovery units are fitted with filters, this ensures the air that enters your habitable rooms is clean and fresh. We recommended that filters are checked and cleaned or replaced every 6 months to 1 year.

Heat recovery systems have protection throughout the year. Systems are fitted with frost protection so that in the cold winter months the system will still work as it should. Units also feature a summer bypass which is useful during hotter summer months, air can be vented straight into your rooms without being heated by the extracted air. We also have a range of heating and cooling additions that you can choose to add if you require your air to be cooler or warmer depending on your preference.

It’s Not Too Late to Ventilate

It’s never too late to add ventilation into your home! There are a large range of ventilation options for your home whether it be additional extra, at time of renovation or throughout the building stages of your home. Our systems are easy to install, or we can put you in touch with our network of installers who can install your system for you!

Contact us now or view our products. Send us your plans and we can provide you with a free estimate!

Ventilation Systems at BPC Ventilation

At BPC we provide ventilation suitable for domestic dwellings and commercial applications. For domestic applications we can provide MVHR systems, MEV systems, PIV systems as well as Extractor Fans. We also have a range of heat recovery and air handling units suitable for use in small to large scale commercial applications. As well as supplying ventilation units, we can also supply all required ductwork, installation materials and accessories including controllers and filters.

You can purchase your heat recovery unit online on its own or with a Basic radial ducting kit! You can upgrade to our Standard or Premium ducting kits, read more here, or call our sales and technical teams about upgrading your system!

Here at BPC, we always put the customer first. We can supply, design and if require, install your ventilation system for you! Are you considering installing a ventilation system? Why not call our sales team on 028 2827 5150 / +353 1526 7452, or visit our knowledge centre for more information.