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Fermanagh Schoolhouse Reborn as Passive Family Home

Fermanagh Schoolhouse Reborn as Passive Family Home

BPC Supplied a Airflow Duplexvent Passive house approved unit and Radial ductwork to the first passive retrofit in NI,

The abandoned husk of a 1960s school building sounds a very long way from a comfortable, ultra low energy family home. Thanks to a remarkable upgrade effort one Fermanagh family are reaping the rewards of one such transformation.

The family has also been feeling the benefits of a ventilation approach that delivers a constant supply of filtered fresh air. “We were aware that having a good ventilation system can really help people with respiratory problems,” says McPhillips. “Having good indoor air quality can minimise the symptoms of asthma, which our eldest daughter suffers from. That was certainly one of the things that I was keenly aware of. And since we’ve moved in, her symptoms are definitely not as bad as before.” “It’s very comfortable, very warm and is performing as designed. It’s been great, we’re very happy with it.”